There are a range of different funding schemes that your child may be able to access for OT services. Funding can be confusing, please feel free to contact us to discuss what your child may be eligible for. Hopscotch OT is an approved Early Intervention provider for Helping Children with Autism and Better Start, we are also approved to provide medicare services (GP care plan, Better Access to Mental Health, Helping Children with Autism).

Better Access to Mental Health

This plan can be accessed through a referral from a GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician. Eligibility is based on a diagnosis of a mental disorder (e.g. ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Conduct Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).  The plan provides a Medicare rebate for an initial 6 individual sessions and up to 10 if required. An additional 10 group therapy sessions can also be claimed. The plan is available per calendar year. For more information please visit

GP Management Plan (formerly Enhanced Primary Care EPC)

This plan can be accessed through a referral from your GP if they determine you’re eligible. The GP Management Plan is for individuals with a chronic medical condition (present for 6 months or longer) that require multidisciplinary care (care from at least 2 professionals e.g. speech pathology and occupational therapy). The plan provides a Medicare rebate for 5 sessions of individual therapy per calendar year. Your GP must co-ordinate the plan and send out the appropriate referrals to the relevant professionals. It is helpful to inform the GP that you wish to discuss the plan when you book an appointment in case a longer session is required. For more information please visit

Helping Children With Autism & Better Start Funding

This plan can be accessed through a referral from your paediatrician or psychiatrist. The plan provides a rebate for assessment and treatment services. Four assessment services can be claimed with an eligible allied health professional to assist with a diagnosis or contribute to a treatment and management plan (this plan can only be used once and is for children under 13). Twenty allied health treatment services can be claimed. A maximum of 10 services are available per course of treatment (this plan can only be used once and must be in place before a child turns 13, it scan be used up until a child turns 15). 

There is also a package of funding for children to use before they turn 7 years old. This package assists children to access Early Intervention services (up to $12000 but no more than $6000 within one financial year). Funding is provided based on eligibility determined by your child’s diagnosis. Your paediatrician will provide paperwork which starts the process for applying for funding.  Autism Victoria oversee the Helping Children with Autism funding, find out more here Carers Victoria oversee the Better Start funding scheme, find out more here

National Disability Insurance Service

The National Disability Insurance Service (NDIS) is being rolled out in the Bayside/ Peninsula area in April 2018. The Local Area Coordinator for our region is Brotherhood of St. Laurence.  Hopscotch OT will be able to provide services to families with a self managed plan or using a plan management provider. Find out more about the NDIS here

Private Health Insurance

Rebates with your private health insurer may be available depending on your level and type of cover. It is best to contact your provider to discuss what you may be able to claim.