Where will my child receive OT sessions?
Hopscotch OT provides services in the environment which is best for the child and family. This may be at the clinic, school, kindergarten or childcare. Before booking your assessment a discussion will take place about which is the best setting for your child to have OT based on their needs. At times it is required that a child is seen in their educational setting as part of the assessment. When a child is to be seen in their educational setting, contact is made with the school or centre, with parental consent, to arrange a convenient time for the child to be seen.
My child will require OT at school, how will I get feedback about the sessions?
Hopscotch OT’s are committed to working closely with family and educators that are supporting the child. Following initial assessment a feedback session is booked with parents, and at times educators, to discuss the assessment results and plan for therapy. As part of this a communication strategy will be discussed, email is often the most convenient method and can include feedback to educators as well.
Is there any funding available to assist with the cost of therapy?
Please see the funding section on this website for further information on funding that may be available to you to assist with the cost of OT. We are very happy to discuss this with you further prior to booking an assessment to make sure you can organise any relevant plans prior to your first session. Some children are also able to access some funding through their school and at times this is used to assist with the cost of OT.
My child requires an OT assessment for a funding or VCAA application, can you help?
Yes, we are familiar with assessments required for funding and VCAA in the school system and can write reports for this purpose following assessment. Please let your therapist know if you require an assessment for funding or VCAA purposes.
Do you provide Telehealth services?
Yes, Telehealth is a big part of our service delivery. We love working with families via Telehealth as we are able to work with you in your home setting which has many benefits and offers greater accessibility and convenience to families. We can provide most services via Telehealth however some standardised assessments cannot be provided via this format and may require a face to face session. If you live far away and travel is a barrier we can work with your local providers to provide if it is required. Telehealth sessions are delivered securely via our program management system. You will require a smartphone, tablet or laptop to access Telehealth.
How do I pay for sessions?
Payment options will be discussed with you before your first session. All payments are processed remotely as we do not have on site reception. We have credit card payments facilities and these are the most commonly used payment method. We also accept bank transfers and third party payment providers e.g. NDIS plan manager.
How do I claim for Medicare, private health, Helping Children With Autism or Better Start funding?
Hopscotch OT requires invoices to be paid in full, once paid an electronic receipt is emailed to allow you to process Medicare, NDIS and private health claims. Rebates can be claimed online with your electronic receipt or in person at Medicare or the relevant health insurer. If your child has NDIS funding and a plan manager, invoices will be sent directly to your plan manager. It is important that you provide us with your plan manager email details at your first appointment.